School Bus Track


Wouldn't you like to know where is the school bus now? see it on a map?
Notifications if it is behind schedule, get alert in case of emergency? and an estimate of its arrival?
Easy communication between you, bus admin and school admin?
Reassure that your kids are safe?

Don't worry, Feel safe, We are here to ensure your comfort

For Parent

For School

Why Choose Us


connect you easily with the bus and school admin to ensure fully controlled and safe trip from home to school.


Stay relax, no worries, at the push of a button you can see the current bus location


Notify you before the bus arrives to you, when it gets to school, and if any thing unusual happens.

Bus on Map

Track your kids bus at real time on the map and see the estimated arrival time.


Fully trips history, where the bus goes in how time, with bus driver and bus admin information.

Easy to use

We built an easy, user friendlly app just for you.With estability and fast responses.

How it works?

Our solution connects the main 3 components in one app as follows


Parents download the app and get their accounts from School Admin.

Once you have logged in the app you can :
1- See your kid`s bus now on the map.
2- Know the estimated arrival time from/to school and if there is a delay.
3- Get alerts in case of emergency, arrival or delay.
4- Direct connect to School Admin and Bus Supervisor.
5- Know every thing about your kid`s bus like bus driver name and phone number, bus licence number.
6- See your son`s trips history.

Bus Supervisor download the app and gets their accounts from School Admin.

Once you logged in the app you can :
1- Confirm all kids on the bus.
2- Notify the parents on estimate arrival time from/to school and if there is a delay.
3- Organize kids absence.
4- Direct connect to School Admin and Parents.
5- See your son trips history.


Has a full control of the whole system.

Can do:
1- add the buses and kids on the system.
2- Receive any complaints from Parents or Bus Supervisor.
3- Distribute Bus Supervisor on their buses and confirm their present every day.
4- Directly contact with Parents and Bus Supervisor in case of emergency.
5- See and evaluate every trip history.

App Screenshots

It's a growing project, we will be honored to have you with us.





For Parent

Register and Recommend us to your school to get your app for FREE

For School

Hire Us and see for yourself

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